How to Dominate your Sport With In-Season Training There’s no question that In-Season training can help you dominate your sport! You’ll hear some coaches talk about “maintenance training” it’s DEFINITELY possible to continue to get stronger during the season. Otherwise, you risk getting hurt, staying stagnant throughout the season, and not being able to perform
Friday, 24 April 2015 / Published in All, Olympic Weightlifting
The key to a good lift in both the snatch and clean & jerk is establishing a consistent start position. Whether that may be a dynamic start or a static start, having a consistent start position will generate an optimal second and third pull of the barbell. It is a very simple concept, a bad
Tuesday, 20 January 2015 / Published in All, Olympic Weightlifting, Strength and Conditioning
What is a weightlifting complex? It is when a series of weightlifting movements are done one after the other without rest for an “x” amount of repetitions. For example, a snatch complex may include a snatch deadlift, followed by a snatch pull, followed by a hang snatch, and an overhead squat. There are many variations
Thursday, 13 November 2014 / Published in All, Olympic Weightlifting
In part one of how to perform the Olympic lifts, I showed you the gist of what a snatch is and how to perform it. The clean and jerk is somewhat similar but it is a two-part movement that requires you to lift the bar to your shoulders, stand up straight, and jerk the bar
Friday, 24 October 2014 / Published in All, Olympic Weightlifting, Strength and Conditioning
In this two-part series, I’m going to go back to basics and try my best to SIMPLIFY both the snatch and the clean and jerk so that you can get a general idea on how to perform the lifts. When learning the Olympic lifts it is important to understand what they are. The snatch is
Friday, 17 October 2014 / Published in All, Motivation, Olympic Weightlifting
Yeah, yeah, I know that all of my ‘Friday Favorites’ posts are mostly TED talks. But they are just super good and super educational! Here is another TED talks called “Are Athletes really getting faster, better, and stronger?” by David Epstein. It seems that humans have gotten faster, better, and stronger in all characteristics when
Thursday, 09 October 2014 / Published in All, Olympic Weightlifting
As a beginner with minimum or some experience in weightlifting this is a template that can help you get started into weightlifting training. As you become proficient in executing the lifts, you may start individualizing parts of this template to further improve certain aspects of your training. Keep in mind that as we go along
Wednesday, 10 September 2014 / Published in All, Olympic Weightlifting
Most of us know that warming up is an important part of training. Especially when you are about to perform two intricate lifts (snatch and clean and jerk). In my warm-up, I usually address three important areas: mobility, pre-movement/activation, and movement preparation (weightlifting specific).
Thursday, 04 September 2014 / Published in All, Olympic Weightlifting, Strength and Conditioning
The physical quality of explosiveness can be effectively trained – it may involve a power clean, jerk, and snatch. However, there are various methods aside from Olympic weightlifting variations and I’m here to help you expand your training toolbox. As a strength coach, you want to accommodate for the athletes that may have limitations or simply just
Monday, 11 August 2014 / Published in All, Olympic Weightlifting
My favorite Olympic lift is the snatch. The reason why I love it is because it is a more technical lift than the clean and jerk. It’s a single-motion movement that requires you to be explosive and fast to pull the bar overhead and also get under it. It is a combination of power and