Thursday, 28 March 2019 / Published in #WorkoutWednesday, Fitness, Motivation
#WORKOUTWEDNESDAY Here’s a sample workout to improve your vertical jump. Tag an athlete ✅ ⁣⁣1A) Box Jump Over x15-20⁣2A) Clean @75% 5×3⁣2B) Depth Jump 5×3⁣3A) DB Pistol Squat 3x6ea⁣ I’ve been sharing some athletic workouts in my Instagram story every Wednesday, if you want to follow along you can hit that follow button (via the link
  The year of 2016 was definitely a crazy but awesome ride! Last January, our family adjusted to a whole new dynamic with our newborn daughter. What started off as months full of coffee and lacking sleep (imagine lots going on with my wife, two kids, training, and work) became a total game-changer that triggered me to take a better
I hope you had a great weekend! I know I did. If you know me, then you know I love me some American Football. It’s always exciting on the first Sunday of the NFL season. Anyways, I hope you have a Happy Monday! Enjoy. Here are my Top Training & Nutrition Articles of The Week:
Monday, 05 September 2016 / Published in Fitness, Motivation, Nutrition, Strength and Conditioning
Hi everyone! Happy Labour Day! Check out some of these awesome articles to read while you have a coffee or two. Here are my Top Training & Nutrition Articles of The Week: Tips For Client-Centered Coaching – Todd Bumgardner and Mike Robertson, Robertson Training System 10 Random Thoughts on Long-Term Fitness Industry Success – Eric Cressey
Monday, 29 August 2016 / Published in Motivation, Nutrition, Strength and Conditioning
Happy Monday! Every week on the KPSP blog, I compile and share the best training, nutrition, and motivational articles that I’ve been enjoying and I know you will too! Here are my Top Training & Nutrition Articles of The Week: 6 Objectives For Successful Training Sessions – Eric Cressey 6 Bad Habits That Prevent You From Seeing Results – Abbie
Monday, 25 April 2016 / Published in All, Motivation
  If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a coach, it’s that one of the powerful ways to apply the knowledge you’ve learned is to teach it to others. What it does is, it forces you to clarify your ideas, confront inconsistencies in your thoughts, and walk your talk. Most important, to teach the information
Monday, 18 April 2016 / Published in All, Motivation
  “It’s never crowded along the extra mile.” – Wayne Dyer
Monday, 18 April 2016 / Published in All, Motivation
It is NOT coaching when you say or yell out general phrases like “faster” or “quicker.” Take the time and put in the effort to actually instruct an individual. It’s definitely worth the investment to develop a ton of positive and effective coaching cues. Reinforce what the individual did well and be specific on what
Tuesday, 22 March 2016 / Published in All, Motivation, Strength and Conditioning
  A major problem that I encounter as a coach is parents specializing their kids too early in one sport. Dealing with young hockey athletes, sometimes I see parents put their kids in hockey organizations that focus on having young athletes play hockey several times a week year-round while putting them through EXTRA on and
Tuesday, 22 March 2016 / Published in All, Motivation
There are more to coaching than prescribing movements and being technical. It’s also about building relationships with your athletes, inspiring them to do their best, and allowing them to grow. You also have to challenge them to solve problems on their own. Here are three important points remember: